‘U’ Type Launder System
a) ‘U’ type launders are mounted on brackets with an internal scum board.
b) Refer to all relevant drawings before commencement of work to ensure the correct assembly layout. Launder systems should be fitted at ground level.
c) Install mounting brackets as detailed around the perimeter of the tank.
d) Position the first launder section central to the outlet flange. Some launders may incorporate a special drop box. Locate this section first.
e) Proceed to mount launder trough on the support brackets around the tank in an anti-clockwise direction, ensuring that each section is bolted together with sealant and fixings supplied.
f) Fix launder trough to mounting brackets using pre-punched holes, ensuring good sealant application around fixings.
g) Fit weir plates in position at the correct level ensuring the sealer strip is effectively positioned to avoid seepage.