Project Component Kits
The economic feasibility of harvesting rainwater is based on many factors, i.e. precipitation frequency, water consumption needs, prices of local water and wastewater treatment and the cost of installation and maintenance. More importantly is the long-term economic feasibility, which is based on the building’s operational lifespan and system design. The combination of a high building lifespan of at least forty years, high quality and sustainable prefabricated components, and minimum system servicing needs equates to rainwater harvesting being economically feasible and ecologically sensitive. Municipally supplied water is treated to drinking water standards. Potable water is not needed to flush toilets, wash clothes, wash vehicles, fill pools, fight fires, or irrigate lawns. Therefore, additional money and resources are being wasted when potable water is consumed for non-potable demands. The cost of municipally supplied water nationwide has increased by over 31% between 2000 and 2015, and another 17% in the last five years.
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