Products and Additional Services
Our clients choose either Stainless Steel, Glass Fused to Steel, Epoxy Coated Finish, Powder Coated, or Galvanized Storage Tanks for several different types of liquid treatment processes and applications: Potable water, Stormwater, Rainwater, Activated sludge, Filtering, Sedimentation, Chlorine contact, Dosing, Borehole water, Seawater desalination, Reverse osmosis, Permeate, Settling, Filtration, Disinfection, Aeration, Coagulation/flocculation; amongst others:
- Fire suppression
- Storing of liquids (liquid manure, dung water, salt brine, process and fire water, lime milk, liquid fertilizers and other chemicals within the range of chemical resistance of enamel)
- Storm water retention or re-use
- Storing of drinking water ensuring water supply for the public
- Storing of bulk material (grain, limestone, cement, fly ash, carbon black, wood waste, granulated plastics, salt), and possibly fodder (ensilage, haulage, wet grain crops)
- Process tanks for wastewater treatment plant and for industrial process equipment
- Process tanks for bio gas storage
- Rainwater harvesting
Climate LLC Overview:
- Production – All controlled at one manufacturing site, thereby simplifying the supply chain and providing a seamless service to meet Customers’ requirements
- Technical support – An experienced team interacts with our Customer base to ensure Customer demand is met
- Modern manufacturing facility – dedicated to the production of our carbon bolted steel tanks, liners, flanges, ladders and cages, platforms, anti-vortex inhibitors, wind stiffening rings and hardware, anchoring hardware, bulkheads, roof access hatches, and other accessories
Contact us directly for all quotes.
- Storage Tanks (Climate Tanks™, Xerxes®, HPDE)
- Halcyon Assembly™ (Anti-Vortex Inhibitors)
- My ECO Barrel™ (The Original Soft-Sided Rainwater Harvesting Barrel)
- SeeLevel Blue™ (Water Level Gauges)
- ClimaHarvest™ (Rainwater Harvesting filters and components)
- ClimaFabric™ (Liners and Bladders)
- ClimaClosures™ (Pump Houses, Pumps, Controllers)
- Walkways, Ladders, and Safety Cages
- Bulkheads, Flanges, Test Returns, and Nozzles
- Immersion Heaters and Insulation Kits