Climate LLC is the industry’s leading choice for steel bolted above ground storage tanks and silos. We are committed to providing innovative solutions and services with our stainless steel, glass-fused-to-steel, factory applied epoxy coated, powder coated, and galvanized tanks and silos. Climate Tanks™ is the established trusted global brand in our sector of modular bolted above ground storage tanks specifically for liquid storage applications and dry bulk. Climate LLC has also developed these leading brands: MyECOBarrel™ the ORIGINAL soft-sided rainwater barrel, Halcyon Assembly™ vortex inhibitors units and plates, SeeLevel Blue™ water level indicators, ClimaFabric™ a 1000D reinforced UV resistant foldable PVC fabric that is 100% BPA Free, ClimaClosures™ pump house and storage enclosures, and we distribute Xerxes® FRP tanks, HydroChain™ stormwater vaults and chambers, and many other leading brands.
Our customer base ranges from the world’s largest home improvement retailer, The Home Depot, Ordner Construction Company, Inc., General Mills, Goodyear Tire and Rubber, T.D. Farrell Construction, Inc., US. Army Corp of Engineers, R.A. Rogers Construction Company, NYC Housing Authority, R.L. Spencer, Inc., Caterpillar Inc., Kellogg’s, Facebook, 3M Products, MYCON General Contractors, US. Army, Publix Markets, H-E-B Supermarkets, RSR Construction Company, Toyota, Pepsi, Waste Management, Shames Construction Company, LTD., Watts Water Technologies, White-Spunner Construction, LLC, Cox Enterprises, Coca Cola, Ferguson Enterprises, McMillian James, US. Department of Agriculture, Smithsonian Institute, mining and oil companies, municipalities, colleges and local schools, state and local parks and recreation departments, fire stations, storage facilities, plantations and farms, as well as private homeowners. Our clients choose either stainless steel, glass fused to steel, epoxy finish, powder coated, or galvanized Climate Tanks™ for several different types of liquid treatment processes and applications: activated sludge, filtering, sedimentation, chlorine contact, dosing, borehole water, seawater desalination, reverse osmosis, permeate, settling, filtration, disinfection, aeration, coagulation/flocculation; amongst others:
- Fire water for fire suppression system
- Cooling Towers
- Storing of liquids (liquid manure, dung water, salt brine, process and fire water, lime milk, liquid fertilizers and other chemicals within the range of chemical resistance of enamel)
- Mining and frac
- Storing of potable domestic or well water ensuring water supply for the public
- Dry bulk material (grain, limestone, cement, fly ash, carbon black, wood waste, granulated plastics, salt), and possibly fodder (ensilage, haulage, wet grain crops)
- Wastewater treatment
- Agricultural
- Process water
- Rainwater and stormwater harvesting
- Irrigation